'Ending' "the war on the motorist"
On Mon, 26 Jul 2010 12:44:01 -0700 (PDT), allantracy
I quite like speed cameras on the basis of the cretins that don’t like
them maybe privatisation could be the solution the way clamping has
been privatised.
Because that would give good results, wouldn't it? Clamping firms
seem to prey on easy targets rather than real offenders, as they're
the most profitable.
(Yes, I know, if there's a sign up you shouldn't park there. But a
properly-trained police officer has discretion, and I prefer that.)
As for cameras, they have their place - though I am far more in
support of SPECS cameras than "point" GATSOs, as the latter only seem
to cause panic braking. If Oxfordshire are cutting funding so they'll
all be turned off, though, perhaps they could also consider cutting
funding to their overzealous programme of slapping blanket 40 and
50mph limits on roads where they're not necessary, while ignoring
other locations where they might actually be sensible?
Neil Williams in Milton Keynes, UK
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