New Victoria Line Stock
On 28 July, 10:29, MIG wrote:
On 28 July, 09:27, wrote:
On Tue, 27 Jul 2010 22:30:53 +0100
"Nicola Redwood" wrote:
Have been on them twice so far and both times the trains were taken out of
service due to problems
Apparently some of the problems have been down to door sensors. It just
beggers belief that in 2010 they still can't design door sensors that can
cope with an overcrowded tube train. This really should be simple basic
engineering that an undergraduate could design.
So should designing a seat that fits a human being. *So should putting
windows in train sides.
I think that 2009 stock seats should be compulsory at TfL board
meetings from now on.
I don't have a problem with seats normally - they do feel narrow on
the Piccadilly Line but that's probably my imagination... ;-) I was on
a new Victoria Line train yesterday and it was extremely hot - the
hottest I have ever been on a tube journey and not in a good way. It
felt like the heating was on, the train was packed and it crawled
between stations.