1506 wrote:
Your evidence that they are not unbiased is?
"American aggression in Vietnam", to those of us of a certain age
those words are firmly fixed in our minds after hearing them every
night from the BBC. We never heard "Viet Cong Intimidation"
Er, not exactly recent, is it?
And "American aggression in Vietnam" describes something that certainly
happened. The war certainly took place in Vietnam (more or less, except
when the alleged good guys decided they would visit Laos etc.) and
involved Americans, and they were certainly aggressive, even on occasion
destroying entire villages "to save them". It didn't happen in USA,
which is why the BBC never reported any North Vietnamese aggression in
the USA.
As for "Viet-Cong" well, that was just a name made up by someone in the
USA to make them sound scary, wasn't it. If they had been correctly
described as "Viet-Minh", then I fear too many people in Blighty would
have been put in mind of Neddy Seagoon et al.
(37 109 at Warrington Bank Quay, Jun 1985)