OT- Clarkson Joins The Burka Debate
On Thu, 5 Aug 2010 13:42:37 +0000 (UTC)
Alistair Gunn wrote:
In uk.railway Willms twisted the electrons to say:
They are especially not unbiased in determining what is a crime, and
what an act of liberation. Or what is a crime for A, but a
self-evident right for B.
It's true, the BBC should do more to publise the illegal occupation of
Tibet ...
Whats the point? You think a few lefties getting irate is going to make
the country with the worlds largest standing army quite tibet? Get real.
Besides , the only thing the BBC cares about outside britain is the USA and
Isreal+palestine. Anywhere else only gets a mention if theres a natural
disaster or plane crash and even then it'll probably only get 2nd billing
to Obamas dog farting.