"David A Stocks" wrote in message
On Tue, 10 Aug 2010 14:40:23 -0700 (PDT), West Yorkshire Bus
A simple question, in a year or two when the Thameslink works get near
to being finished, should the route be added (or be reinstated) onto
the tube map?
At the moment I feel that visitors to the city are not aware of the
route and once Blackfriars is finished, are not aware of the handy
link straight through the centre of the tourist area.
You cannot ignore the fact that Thameslink runs through the middle of an
area that is absolutely heaving with tourists - especially at weekends
when it's (usually) not running, which may answer the OP's question.
I think the basic answer to the OP's question is that the central part of
the Thameslink route was removed from the 'tube map' long before the
closures for the upgrade ever started, and therefore it is unlikely that
when the closures are completed the route will reappear.
Paul S