Split Ticketing to Brighton
On Wed, 11 Aug 2010 14:00:18 -0700 (PDT), Mizter T
Ignoring Advance tickets (or at least their availability), the Avantix
Traveller supposedly has all available fares in its database already
(plus rather a lot of noise too) - of course, it comes with strict
instructions not to even think about trying to reverse engineer it,
but I wonder if one could legitimately automatically query it - though
quite possibly the licence forbids that too (haven't checked, it's not
installed on this machine wot I is using).
It's a pretty standard copyright notice:
© Copyright of Atos Origin 2010. All rights reserved.
The copyright in this work is vested in Atos Origin and the
information contained herein is confidential. This work (either in
whole or in part) must not be modified, reproduced, disclosed or
disseminated to others or used for purposes other than that for which
it is supplied, without the prior written permission of Atos Origin.
If this work or any part hereof is furnished to a third party by
virtue of a contract with that party, use of this work by such party
shall be governed by the express contractual terms between the Atos
Origin company which is a party to that contract and the said party.
IANAL but to me 'reproduced, disclosed or disseminated to others'
would prohibit using the Avantix data set to populate queries outside
of the application. In other words, the fares themselves are not the
property of Atos Origin, but their compliation of them is. Discuss.