Yesterday, I noticed the Metropolitan Line had minor delays due to
industrial action (inaction?) by train operator ASLEF members.
This follows another disputed day on 20 July 2010.
I found the following which help to explain the situation. and
It seems that a passenger was injured by a closing Metropolitan Line
train door. LU investigated and stopped the "driver with a 33 year
unblemished record" from driving.
ASLEF says it had reported platform visibility concerns before the
I don't particularly care about who, but would like to know where and
when the incident happened and the weather conditions. I would also like
to know if the driver's income will be protected by something like TUPE.
Regardless of the rights and wrongs, I am impressed by LU management
following its judgement and by the support of Rickmansworth depot.
I am interested in the risk of serious disruption.
I assume it can get a lot worse once schools return.
Is there a list of depots with driver numbers and union affiliations?
Walter Briscoe