Airside postboxes at London airports?
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 20:07:29 +0100, Basil Jet
On 2010\08\14 19:12, Mizter T wrote:
Are there any these days? Obviously I know there are postboxes at
airports (though I don't think they're always that easy to find), but
I haven't paid a great deal of attention to airside postboxes - and I
can imagine there may be whatever security concerns nowadays too.
I'm thinking specifically about Stansted at the moment, but would be
interested to know about the other London airports too, indeed about
airports further afield as well.
I don't understand. Are you suggesting that someone flying from Malta to
Australia via Heathrow might want to save a few pence on postage by
sending a postcard to their friend in Wigan while in the airport? Seems
a bit rare.
What about the Brit going abroad who wants to use his/her spare time
in the departure lounge to post a cheque to pay a bill, or post a
card to a loved one telling her/him he is going away for a few days
.... etc., etc.?
I suppose most people do these kinds of things online nowadays, but
not everyone does.