On Aug 14, 7:12*pm, Mizter T wrote:
Are there any these days? Obviously I know there are postboxes at
airports (though I don't think they're always that easy to find), but
I haven't paid a great deal of attention to airside postboxes - and I
can imagine there may be whatever security concerns nowadays too.
Airport post boxes are a special design with a transparent back:
This BPMA factsheet claims that there's one airside in LHR T4:
http://tinyurl.com/2uu8ekz )
I also recently spotted one of these landside at the front entrance of
LCY. (I didn't pay too much attention to it, but the security check
area had a vending machine which appeared to be selling pre-stamped
padded envelopes, which I think might have been to let passengers post
any sharp or otherwise prohibited items back to themselves - I don't
recall if there was a post box nearby.)
On Aug 15, 12:18*am, "
I have seen postboxes airside at Heathrow, but I don't reacll seeing
stamp machines to accompany them
Do they even sell stamps airside?
In WHSmith, no doubt.
On Aug 15, 4:20*pm, William Black wrote:
People like PC World/Dixons have shops at Heathrow...
Indeed, airports are the only places you'll still find a Dixons shop -
the rest are all Currys.digital these days.