Kings Cross Main line to Victoria Line?
On 08/07/10 07:36, Paul wrote:
Another thing about Kings Cross - when you go to the old tube ticket
hall, there are signs saying "No entry to Northern Line". However, if
you go through the barriers and down the escalator to the Victoria
line, there is a sign on the left saying "Northern Line". So despite
what it says, it IS possible to get to the Northern Line via the old
tube ticket hall.
Sorry for reopening a rather old thread, but...
AIUI, one of the features of the redesign of Kings Cross St Pancras was
that no tube-to-tube transfer would involve passing through a gateline.
From that, it logically follows that you must be able to access all
lines from each of the three ticket halls -- if that weren't the case
then there must still be transfers that require you to walk between two
ticket halls, passing through two gatelines.
I today needed to get to the Circle/Metropolitan Line platforms from the
Kings Cross suburban platforms and I notice that the signage directs me
to the Western Ticket Hall (under St Pancras) rather than the Tube
Ticket Hall (the original one) but it reminded me of this thread and
made me wonder whether that is the best route, or whether there might be
a better route through the Tube Ticket Hall.
Is there a useful map of the underground complex available anywhere? I
find the maze of tunnels quite disorienting...