In message JqUdo.49798$WX5.39034@hurricane, at 20:34:11 on Fri, 27 Aug
2010, Robin remarked:
I've arrived back from NY at about that time too. Although having
travelled at Mach 2 
Who was paying your expenses on that flight?
It was a tour arranged a well known Concorde-related firm (Goodwood
travel). So much less than a scheduled flight, but I paid for it myself.
IIRC there are also not-a red-eye flights from Boston arriving in London
c.21:00 And I paid my own fare :((
There were two today:
BA238 dep 8.15am arr 7.40pm
AA156 dep 9.10am arr 8.45pm
The problem with all these conventional same-day flights is that you
lose the whole day in USA, but you also aren't forced to try to make do
with very little sleep overnight.
As such, these are not really "red-eye" flights... compared to...
VS12 dep Boston 7.45pm arr Heathrow 7.20am; 6hr 35mins in the air, which
means at best 5hrs sleep in most cabins.
Roland Perry