Visitor Oyster cards
On 06/09/10 22:42, Mizter T wrote:
I'm interested - I'm not really surprised that it works, though I did
once think that to create an Oyster online account one needed to have
an Oyster card that at least had a security phrase associated with it
(if not actually fully registered), but recent discussion on here
suggested that one could create an Oyster online account for a card
that's completely unregistered, though I haven't yet played around
with all this myself.
It makes sense that one of the benefits of registering (by filling in
the paper form at a ticket office) is that it prevents someone else
attempting to set up an online account for your card. This is clearly a
security benefit for those who don't ever intend to set up an online
Online accounts have been promoted for quite a while as an alternative
to registration if you only want to protect your card from loss, and
don't have the need to add monthly or annual travelcards.
I'm curious, though, how to you end up with a card that has a security
phrase associated with it but is *not* fully registered?