Visitor Oyster cards
"Kadath Dragon" wrote in message
On 7 Set, 10:11, "Robin" wrote:
The reason I was intereseted to see what would happen with my
*visitor* Oyster card -- the promotional Oyster cards aimed at
tourists -- is that the T&Cs always used to say that you couldn't
register or protect a visitor Oyster card. (I did just look, and I
can't find that now, so maybe they've changed it?)
They moved some of the them. I think you now
From there
"6.11. Oyster cards available to visitors
These Oyster cards are issued at our agents abroad and
who deal with high volumes of visitors. Special Terms and
Oyster cards as follows:
. The card can only be used for to pay as you go
. A non-refundable £2 charge is applied when purchasing
. No deposit is applied when the card is issued
. The card cannot be registered/protected."
Just as a side note, I visit London regulary (3 or 4 times a year) and
in 2007 I got a normal (not a visitor) oyster.
Theoretically, it could not be registered because you need to supply a
valid UK postcode. I bypassed this, by supplying my normal Italian
address with the postcode of the hotel where I usually stay.
Everything's ok, top-up included
I can confirm the above works. I also got a normal oyster card in 2007 and
used my Australian address with the UK postcode of the internet cafe where i
accessed the oyster website.