I'm in the tunnel
"Rupert Moss-Eccardt" wrote in message
Steve Terry wrote:
Clearly there are two distinct points of view, one that stifled cellular
offers cheap and practical closed group comms for the benefit of all
and two those with a vested interest in perpetrating the vast bureaucracy
and £Billion budgets of Tetra that didn't exist ten years ago, and are
looking forward to a replay with even bigger budgets and careers
to be made with the future planned Tetra 2.
GSM can't do the sort of PTT that is required by the emergency services.
I suppose you could design something on top but it wouldn't really be
GSM anymore. One of the fundamental problems is the fact that GSM
takes a while for call set up.
I believe Orange's PTT ran over GPRS data which is left running
near enough continuously.
Skype on Three i leave running continuously whilst minimised,
sometimes for weeks on end.
Steve Terry
"I would like to plead for my right to investigate natural phenomena
without having guns pointed at me.
I also ask for the right to be wrong without being hanged for it."
- Wilhelm Reich, November 1947