Colin McKenzie set the following eddies spiralling through the space-time
On Mon, 04 Oct 2010 21:32:29 +0100, Prai Jei
Bring back the Routemasters and RTs in London, let's have the AEC
Regents and Guy Arab V's back on the road in Cardiff, etc. Those good
old fashioned buses were simply not *capable* of the heavy braking
I think you'd be amazed how quickly an RT could (can) stop, for example
pitching a small child in the top front row head first off his seat...
into a bag full of soft things, luckily.
Acceleration is another matter. Gathering speed describes it better.
Colin McKenzie
Sounds like you speak from experience. Were you the small child in question?
Any RT's still on the loose in London? One AEC Regent survives in Cardiff,
in private hands, regularly dusted off for vintage transport rallies.

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