Massive Airport expansion announced
On Sat, 3 Jan 2004 15:58:52 +0000, Andrew P Smith
What we need is for Heathrow to be connected to the Reading and Waterloo
train lines. Then a number of huge, security patrolled park and rides at
dedicated train stations with fast journeys into the airport running
every 15 mins during the day and every 25 mins at night.
I would use it every time.
Is it going to happen? Unfortunately not.
I wish it would.
The connection to the Waterloo line is VERY likely to happen. Not
"going to" yet, but definitely going higher up the agenda from what
I saw a few weeks ago. Surrey
County Council have been pressing for it for many years - I well
remember it being discussed (and universally supported) in the
days when they had an Environment Committee and I sat on it (must
have been 1998 or so).
Whether the park & ride is likely is another question tho......
Mike Pellatt
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