Crossrail and Tube upgrades spared the axe - NCE
On Fri, 8 Oct 2010 11:32:37 +0100
Roland Perry wrote:
Well that you can't predict. I was refering to people who plan a family
without being able to afford to have children from the start other than
via benefits. There are 7 billion people on this rock and over 60 million
on this little island. Effectively paying people in kind to have kids is
bordering on the criminal IMO.
How would fix that? Have people have to fill in something like a
mortgage application form before they are allowed to have kids, to see
if they can afford it? Or you could just choose the ones with blue eyes
and blond hair.
How about they check their bank accounts and payslips and work from there.
Its not rocket science. If they have them and can't afford them then tough.
They'll have to give up the Sky+ and fags won't they.