On Fri, 8 Oct 2010 14:29:58 +0100
Paul Terry wrote:
"UK abortion law. To comply with the 1967 Abortion Act, two doctors must
give their consent, stating that to continue with the pregnancy would
present a risk to the physical or mental health of the woman or her
existing children. However, the 1967 Act does not extend to Northern
Ireland, where abortion is still illegal. "
Impressive wording, the real world however is another matter.
You can read the act for yourself here (note the four conditions in
section 1):
What year are you living in?
In a year in which people don't mind parading their ignorance in public,
it would seem.
Says someone who seems think cutting and pasting off a website makes him
knowledgable on a subject.
If a woman wants an abortion in this country she can get one whatever the
reason. I know what I'm talking about in this matter but you believe what
you like.