Chaining 30-minute Cycle Hire trips
On Oct 8, 3:48*pm, Tristan Miller
So which is it? *Is chaining 30-minute journeys free, or is it £1 per day? *
And do you have to wait 5 minutes between journeys, or don't you?
It's not free, per se, it just won't charge you over and above your
access fee. If you're on the Daily plan, then the first time you
insert your access key in a 24 hour period, your account will be
charged £1. Provided none of your individual hires in the next 24
hours last longer than 30 minutes, you won't pay any more than that
initial £1.
As David's quoted from the T&Cs, if you reach 30 minutes and return a
hire, you'll need to wait five minutes before taking out another bike.
I'm not sure if this is enforced by the system (ie it won't let you
take a bike), or if you just have to use self-restraint.