In message , Kat
In message 2004012913413316807%me@nospamnet, Adam
On 2004-01-26 21:37:00 +0000, Ian Jelf said:
(Incidentally I must e-mail LUL; the Station Assistant at West Ruislip
was one of the friendliest people I've ever encountered!)
There always seems to be a station assistant there during morning
rush-hour, and I agree - very friendly - even recognises me now and
wished me a Good Morning.
Goodness! That almost elevates us to the status of friendly
neighbourhood dog ;-)
But seriously, is this really unusual?
To be fair, I usually use ticket machines to purchase tickets and seldom
see anyone at any of the suburban tube stations I use. Because I
needed some help from this chap, he was able to give it.
On reflection, I've seldom had any bad experiences with station staff
(grumpy *** at the Baker Street ticket window once, that was about all)
but this chap just cheered the day up.
I try to say good morning to all the customers and often more to those
I've got to know....
If only I used Bethnal Green (?) more often!
Ian Jelf, MITG, Birmingham, UK
Registered "Blue Badge" Tourist Guide for
London & the Heart of England