On 21 Oct, 19:52, Mizter T wrote:
On Oct 21, 6:36 pm, MIG wrote:
On 21 Oct, 18:14, "tim...." wrote:
"Paul Corfield" wrote:
Information available via
Not looked at it in detail so no comments.
Off peak fares to be charged contra-flow during the evening peak.
Can't find the Zones 1-6 cap anywhere (found 1-2 and 1-9).
It has really pist off the journalists, hasn't it, this burying of bad
news on CSR day?
They are saying that it's the start of an attempt to phase out
Given how an Oyster OSI ****up has just saddled me with a penalty
fare, and I can't be the only one, this is extremely bad news.
Is anyone actually saying it's the start of an attempt to completely
phase out Travelcards? (I mean, apart from you?)
No one apart from me, because I didn't say it. It's just been said on
the BBC London News, and probably elsewhere.
I haven't even read the changes in detail. I was just commenting on
the media response.