Watford to St Albans tram link could open in 2012
On Nov 5, 12:10*pm, Andy wrote:
The line has a mixture of uses. During the peak there is a high
percentage of commuters who travel onto Euston whilst off-peak there
is currently little demand for through journeys. An hourly service
would not be good for the peak commuters, as there is currently a
42-43 min frequency until 10am.
I'm never quite sure if a hotch-potch frequency like that is actually
helpful. Hourly clockface is arguably more useful, because it's more
memorable and connects with things better. Few people, after all,
"turn up and go" for a frequency like that. It's once you go below
hourly that the "hotch potch" best-possible-with-one-unit frequencies
may be best.
The trouble is that the press might see it differently.