The BorisMaster
On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 22:06:56 +0000
Paul Corfield wrote:
I believe the Borismaster is specced to be a record 13.7m long which is
huge for a rigid double decker in London. I think there are some turns
in Central London that they won't get round being that long. The bendies
may be 18m in length but their turning ability is that of a much shorter
vehicle - somewhere between 10-11m.
Why arn't I surprised. I always thought Boris's stand against bendies was
political rather than practical - a way of visibily chucking out something
high profile than Ken brought in rather than a way of improving bus travel
for commuters.
Won't it be ironic if these waste of money routemasters cause just as many
traffic problems as the bendies they replace.