50% off HEx tickets - must book by midnight tonight (Fri 12 Nov)
Blast, I saw this ages ago and meant to post it here but then promptly
managed to fail to do so. It's remotely possible that someone out there
might still find it useful though - do note however that purchase needs to
be made by midnight tonight (Friday).
Heathrow Express are offering 50% off return fares London-Heathrow journeys
or v.v. - so the rather extortionate £32 return becomes £16.
To access this offer go he
These promo tickets are issued by HEx as 'e-tickets' - I understand this
means they are issued as barcode style tickets either for printing at home
or for else for delivery and display on an internet-connected mobile.
I'm not an expert on HEx's ticketing arrangements but their FAQ suggests a
couple of things:
(1) Bookings are held on their system for six months, and so the tickets
don't actually have to be used on the date specified when booking, they can
be used up to six months afterwards.
(2) That tickets can actually be used in either direction - so a 'return
journey' is actually just two journeys, the second of which must be
completed within a month of the first.
Note that if you were to select two or more passengers when booking a
journey, I think you'd only get issued with one barcode style e-ticket - in
other words you'd have to travel together. If you want to purchase multiple
tickets for single travelers in one transaction, you can go on to book
additional tickets after confirming you're first journey.
I realise that communicating this offer on a Friday evening, five hours
before it expires, isn't really all that helpful, but I'm an unhelpful kind
of guy so I'll do it anyway.
Of course, the Tube is rather cheaper still - from Heathrow into central
London (zone 1) it's £4.50 for a printed/paper single ticket; on Oyster PAYG
it's £4.20 peak (M-F 0630-0930 and 1600-1900) and £2.40 off-peak (all other
times); or it's £7.50 for a zones 1-6 off-peak Day Travelcard (for travel
after 0930 M-F).
Then there's Heathrow Connect too. Oh, and the Grand Union Canal, etc etc.