9 out of 10 people can easily use London Transport...
On Nov 19, 11:11*am, Adrian wrote:
George gurgled happily, sounding much
like they were saying:
Does anybody really think wheelchair users are ever going to be able to
use the tube? Val Shawcross and the like just can't grasp the fact that
many disabled people don't want to use public transport, it just isn't
a viable option for them and it never will be.
Well, quite. Why would spazzes, flids & other crips want to try and lead
normal lives, anyway? Why can't they just be happy sitting at home
drooling in front of daytime TV...?
What like you obviously do?
Wouldn't a taxi that took them from door to door be of far more use?
Shame it doesn't fit in with some people's politically correct ideals