Casual User BorisBikes from 20101203 and CC Auto Pay from 20110104
Walter Briscoe wrote on 24 November 2010
07:28:44 ...
This morning's 0655 BBC London news says that BorisBikes will be
available to casual users from the third of December.
I failed to find the relevant press release.
However, I did find:
I expect this to provide a significant improvement.
Currently, if you don't make manual arrangements to pay the CC and incur
a congestion charge, you incur a penalty charge.
I live within the Congestion Charge area and can claim the 90% residents
discount. I pay for a year in advance to avoid that Penalty Charge risk.
This modification to the scheme will mean I won't need to do so.
Note that you are charged £10 annually just to be registered for CC Auto
Pay, which makes it less attractive to people who only incur the
congestion charge a few times every year. (It will take 10 visits for
the £1 discount to pay for the registration fee.)
Richard J.