Tube Strike - Sun 28 (evening of) and Mon 29 Nov (all day)
On Nov 26, 6:02*pm, Paul Corfield wrote:
On Fri, 26 Nov 2010 09:16:02 GMT, (Roy Badami) wrote:
Mizter T wrote:
I'm going to post this as a quasi public service announcement if for
no other reason than having ballsed up the dates of the strike the
last time round I wish to demonstrate that I'm not completely
calendrical-phobic (to coin a particularly dodgy phrase!).
While we're at it, have any further strike dates been announced? I
couldn't immediately find any info on the web.
There are no further dates - there is a "gap" until the New Year as the
unions decided not to go on strike. Whether out of "goodwill" or the
expectation that the workers wouldn't come out due to the expense of
Christmas looming is not for me to say.
Or else just a bit of breathing space during which they hope TPTB will
capitulate? (Or, more to the point, both sides will reach some sort of
The only possible actions relate to localised issues on the Bakerloo and
Northern Lines where RMT are, I believe, going to ballot their members
over alleged victimisation of certain individuals. With no ballot result
there can't be any dates yet. That's from what I read in the Standard
the other day.
The other rumbling issue relates to Boxing Day payments and that
involves ASLEF. *Again no dates and things seem to have gone a little
quiet on that front in terms of newspaper coverage.
To which my first reaction was 'no dates' - well the 26th, Boxing Day,
is a pertinent date - but yes IKWYM, no dates have been announced
w.r.t. a ballot on this issue.
Incidentally concerning something which appears to have been oft-said
already, I don't think for a moment that the unions would call a Tube
strike on The Hallowed Day Of The Royal Wedding - I think my eyes and
ears are likely to go on selective strike that week though!