In message , at 13:18:17 on
Sun, 28 Nov 2010, Neil Williams
What's different about Milton Keynes - the only variation that would
qualify as broken is a countdown based on the timetable rather than
actual running.
It only ever shows actual departure times rather than "N minutes", but
I'm informed by a few people who should know about such things that
the timetable is *not* loaded so these are based on actual running.
So you see:-
5 Lakes Estate 10:15
but the 10:15 is a generated real-time time, not a timetabled one.
I class this as broken because it breaks the convention used
everywhere else, so is confusing. It also means you have to look at
your watch!
The signs in Nottingham have a time on them. For some reason I took this
photo a couple of weeks ago (on the route heading out of the City
towards Trent Bridge):
It was probably to illustrate the number of services available. In the
end I got a Premier 51/52, which isn't even included on the sign!
Roland Perry