London Bridge waiting rooms?
On Nov 29, 6:05*pm, Walter Briscoe
On Nov 29, 3:27*pm, (Roy Badami) wrote:
A google search finds very little information about women-only waiting
rooms, but I did find one suggestion that they went out of favour
largely as a result of such concerns.
It used to be Ladies waiting room and General waiting room; I've never
seen a Gentlemen's waiting room; were there ever such things? *There
were also 1st and 3rd class waiting rooms, but that was before my
time. *There were also Ladies only compartments of course; I'm not
sure when they went out of use, but they were still around in about
the early '70s.
There is a window etched "Ladies Waiting Room" - it may be "LADIES
WAITING ROOM" - on the eastbound platform (2) at South Woodford (George
Lane). When I queried this by email, along with the lack of signage of
the male toilets on the westbound platform, LU's answer was incomplete.
ISTR phoning and being told I could ignore "Ladies" in this case. There
is only one eastbound waiting room. I suppose I should have insisted on
an answer by email.