London Bridge waiting rooms?
On Tue, 30 Nov 2010, Basil Jet wrote:
On 2010\11\29 22:18, Tom Anderson wrote:
On Mon, 29 Nov 2010, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 13:19:51 on
Mon, 29 Nov 2010, Roy Badami remarked:
Assuming that it's supposed to be safer for women travelling alone,
or something like that, then I don't see how that's actually going
to work in practice without staff to enforce it -- in which case
it's actually the presence of staff that makes the platform safer,
and not the single sex waiting room.
It's not going to stop an axe-murderer rushing in and doing his
worst, but there's quite a bit of social pressure for men not to use
the Ladies Waiting Room - much the same as not using the ladies
Sure, but you've still not convinced me what (perceived) need such a
facility fulfills.
Keeps the ladies away from drunks and tramps.
Bloody good idea too. You have no idea how bothersome the drunks and
tramps find them.
Yeah, them hobo humpin' slobo babes.
Just don't tell Bojo.
Any Christmas message which ends with "... everything's pointless
...." probably doesn't need sharing -- cleanskies