Full 2011 fares now on the TfL website (inc. NR PAYG fares)
In message of Wed, 8 Dec 2010
18:10:50 in uk.transport.london, Mizter T writes
The full list of fares for 2011 are now available in all their glory on the
TfL website:
The single fare finder is now available in 2011 flavour too:
There's a summary of the changes he
I also note that maximum journey times "are increasing for journeys in Zones
1-4", which suggests that they were perhaps a bit too tight for
slow-coaches, or perhaps more likely the limit could be hit when there were
service disruptions - anyhow, good to know that these things are not set in
stone and can and do change in response to feedback and monitoring.
They change regularly. ISTR, they were increased to 150 minutes at the
start of 2009; they were quietly reduced to the current limits in
September 2009 and the following tweaks were made in January 2010:
M-F = 1900 M-F 1900 + Sat Sun
Z1/Z2 90 100 110
Z1-Z2/Z2-Z3 90 100 110
The following will happen in 2011:
(Bottom of http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tickets/14872.aspx#jan2011)
M-F = 1900 M-F 1900 + Sat Sun
Z1/Z2/Z2-Z3 90 100 110
Z1-Z2 100 110 120
Z1-Z3/Z1-Z4 110 125 135
i.e. Z1-Z2 gets a 3 zone limit and Z1-Z3 and Z1-Z4 both get a 5 zone
I suppose, I should show that:
Zones M-F = 1900 M-F 1900 + Sat Sun
1 70 80 85
2 80 90 100
3 90 100 110
4 100 110 120
5 110 125 135
I have found these limits bite when OSI is used to fuse journeys.
The extra time should eliminate such overcharging for me. (Oyster
automatically refunds for registered cards.)
It won't address a short stay at Finsbury Park where each validator
heuristically distinguishes entry and exit in the absence of gatelines.
1) Touch in at any station - e.g. Manor House;
2) Touch out at Finsbury Park;
3) A touch again at Finsbury Park WITHIN 30 MINUTES is a touch out;
4) Touch out at the same station as 1). i.e. Manor House.
ISTR you are charged for an unfinished journey and an unstarted journey.
Oyster has no automatic mechanism to recognise this.
OTOH, Manor House via Finsbury Park to any other station, e.g. Arsenal,
is charged correctly.
This seems to be a FPK peculiarity. I found no problem at Mill Hill
East. I haven't tried at Waterloo on the W&C or at National Rail
stations which don't have gatelines.
Walter Briscoe