LUL Movia S stock impressions
On Dec 16, 3:25*pm, G1206 wrote:
This morning I experienced a new Movia S stock train on the
Metropolitan Line. My destination was Willesden and I planned to
travel directly on the Bakerloo Line but as my train arrived at Baker
Street I noticed an S stock in platform 4 working an all stations
service to Watford, I changed my plans and decided to detour to travel
aboard it to Northwick Park then walk around the corner to Kenton and
then the Bakerloo line to Willesden Junction.
My impression of the new train is very positive, I really like the
layout, moquette
and cushioning applied to the seats, the acceleration and braking
performance is superb in comparison to an old camshaft controlled A
stock, the announcements are played at just the right volume and
aren’t too quiet or loud and the overall interior feels very spacious
and airy.
I travelled on the S stock today, and whislt the ride of the train was
a big improvement. I was extremely disappointed to see the lack of
seats on the train. I travelled just one stop from Wembley Park to
Finchley Road in the middle of the day and I was standing. If I was
travelling further afield I wouldnt be happy having to stand to
Amersham. Another thing that struck me was how narrow the carriages
were compared to the old trains. Looks like a SARDINE car to me. I
wouldnt have thought that I would say this but please please dont
phase out the A stock all is forgiven !