Railway stations on terrorist alert.
On Fri, 7 Jan 2011 07:23:36 -0800 (PST)
bob wrote:
I don't dispute that mistakes happen, but that is exactly my concern:
another mistake might happen. The OP asked, "If a uniformed presence
discourage one islamist from killing one person is that not worth the
effort?" I would have to say no. I do not believe the risk of
another terrible mistake is worth taking for the hope that lots of
uniforms and guns at railway stations might perhaps deter a bad person
from doing a bad thing.
If its a choice of one civilian dying because of a mistake or dozens dying
because of a bomb the choice is a no brainer. Anyway , I don't see what
your problem is - almost every other country in the world has armed police
as the norm, even fluffy liberal sweden.