Railway stations on terrorist alert.
On Sun, 9 Jan 2011 10:01:47 +0000
Chris Tolley (ukonline really) wrote:
1506 wrote:
From the news, I am cognizant of an attack on members of the Royal
Family, Injured police horses, and wanton destruction of property.
If I lack an understanding of the timeline, you COULD explain in a
civil manner.
"Wanton" is certainly not an appropriate word. Replace it with "some".
Then reflect on the comparison between the incident you think is so
terrible in Central London, and the incident that has just taken place
in Arizona, and consider what you might do about developing a sense of
I think you'll find that wasn't caused by a policeman with a gun. Which is
the topic of the discussion. I don't think any sane person would want the
same sort of civilian gun ownership as in the states.
And before you bleat on again about repressive police with guns explain why
somewhere like Sweden - a liberal left poster country if ever there was one -
routinely arms their normal police.