On Jan 10, 9:50*am, wrote:
On Sat, 8 Jan 2011 06:18:29 -0800 (PST)
MIG wrote:
reason, are the first enforcement choice of a violent Tory government
that despises its electorate.
Ah , I needed a laugh this morning 
For some reason I didn't find it all that funny watching a gang of
uniformed thugs beating up children who looked like my nieces and
nephews, and were doing nothing wrong apart from things like being
unable to pass through solid barriers that the thugs were trying to
force them through.
I didn't find it at all funny to be a couple of feet away from an
elderly man being hit from behind without provocation despite walking
as fast as he could in the direction that he was being forced in.
I didn't find it at all funny to see the uniformed thugs dragging an
unconscious woman under their feet, who was just an office worker as
far as I could see, instead of offering any help.
I didn't find it funny when I was grabbed by the collar and thrown
aside by one of the thugs when I asked where on earth they wanted us
to go, given that I was trying to leave the area and was being forced
back into the area that they supposedly wanted to disperse people
from, given the talk of water cannons etc.
I have stared into the cold, dead eyes of those thugs, and they are
not funny. Not funny at all. They don't care about anything except
for keeping their line straight. Anything in their path is fair
game. It could be your children, your elderly mother, anyone. They
just don't care.
And Theresa May is the latest Home Secretary to unleash them on the
public. The public includes you and anyone you care about, if you
care about anyone.