Railway stations on terrorist alert.
On 10/01/2011 19:56, alexander.keys1 wrote:
On Jan 10, 3:28 pm, Paul wrote:
In ,
Though I think some intellectually and vocationally useless courses -
golf management studies and similar nonsense - should be fully paid for
by the student.
Strange though it may seem, golf management students are more likely to
find graduate-level employment within six months of leaving university
(90%) than those in many other subjects, including engineering (85.9%).
Computer sciences (81.8%) has the worst graduate employment record,
medicine the best (99.3%).
Paul Terry
The reason for graduate unemployment in engineering is that employers
insist on people having several years' previous employment experience
in one narrow speciality, these are the same employers who whinge
about a 'shortage' of engineering graduates. The situation is similair
in computing.
Are there still job adverts demanding things like five years of
experience with ACME-Software 2010?
Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK