Railway stations on terrorist alert.
In message , at 02:42:06 on
Wed, 12 Jan 2011, DevilsPGD
Age discrimination prevents one from requiring experience in a field?
No, it potentially prevents some advertisements from asking for it.
eg "Ten years post-gradudate experience in $foo" will discriminate
against most people under 31/32 years old.
But again, since when is requiring an applicant to be qualified
considered discrimination?
No-one has said that. The discrimination here is the implication that
only people aged 31/32 or older will be considered.
No, the implication is that only those who are qualified will be
If a 22 year old shows up who has experience they'll be considered.
Given that the experience I used in my example was "ten years post
graduate", how many 12 year olds do you know with a degree, and who
started employment straight away?
That's why the "10 years" stipulation is age discrimination in disguise.
If a 32 year old shows up without experience, they won't.
Roland Perry