"Jason Hovercraft-Bingley" wrote in
message ...
It's gratifying to see these examples of how much
people like you fear The Guardian. I read
The Guardian because it's a damned fine newspaper.
I initially read The Guardian because people told me it was a damned fine
newspaper. Then I tried the Independent, and found it was a little
unsettling because every article had a strange "unfinished" feel to it. So I
went back to the Guardian. Then I realised that the "unfinished" feeling
came about because as a Guardian reader I had come to expect newspapers to
tell me what conclusions to draw, and the Independent just gave me the facts
and let me draw my own conclusions. So I went back to the Independent.
John Rowland - Spamtrapped
Transport Plans for the London Area, updated 2001
A man's vehicle is a symbol of his manhood.
That's why my vehicle's the Piccadilly Line -
It's the size of a county and it comes every two and a half minutes