Drayton Park
And there was chaos in the evening too. I arrived at Kings X at abut
18:15, to catch the 18:27 to New Barnet. Onthe board it said 'On
time' until 18:29, when it disappeared, reappearing a few minutes
later as 'Delayed'. Eventually a platform was posted, and it departed
at around 19:00 (by which time the boards were advertising the 18:57
as 'On Time')
There were no audible announcements made to the station concourse.
The explanation from the information desk was that trains were being
diverted from Moorgate, and this was causing congestion. But if this
were true, there should have been additional departures of these
diverted trains on their return journeys, and yet nothing was posted.
When the train did arrive, it appeared to be out of the depot (no
passengers, destination blind 'Sorry, Not in Service'). Usually it is
the 18:17 arrival from WGC that forms this train.
Does anyone know what was actually going on? And as an aside, as I
now travel by Freedom Pass, can I claim compensation for the delay?