Command Crisis - BB2 Tue 3 Feb 21.30
"John Rowland" wrote in message
"Jason Hovercraft-Bingley" wrote
message ...
It's gratifying to see these examples of how much
people like you fear The Guardian. I read
The Guardian because it's a damned fine newspaper.
I initially read The Guardian because people told me it was a damned fine
newspaper. Then I tried the Independent, and found it was a little
unsettling because every article had a strange "unfinished" feel to it. So
went back to the Guardian. Then I realised that the "unfinished" feeling
came about because as a Guardian reader I had come to expect newspapers to
tell me what conclusions to draw, and the Independent just gave me the
and let me draw my own conclusions. So I went back to the Independent.
I used to read the Daily Express, but then I realised that if I just printed
out a piece of paper ranting about spiralling tax burdens then it would
serve pretty much the same function but save me 50p a day.
The other great thing about the Independent is that it does exactly what it
says on the tin. It may have an overall editorial line, but its columnists
are all over the place - you can't really imagine Ken Livingstone with a
column in the Daily Mail, can you?