BBC: Doors opened on moving Victoria Line Tube near Brixton
On Fri, 25 Feb 2011 22:48:58 +0000
"Richard J." wrote:
I tend to score most elf-n-softie legislation, but I have to say that
people to get off a train while its still moving is a bit dodgy IMO. If
you slip and your leg goes between train and platform you're in deep ****.
With a routemaster its not so bad since you fall off you land in the road,
end of - and hopefully a following vehicle doesn't run you over , but with
a train it won't stop and you have a good chance of losing a limb.
I'm surprised that you of all people take such a nannyish line. The
train is about to stop anyway, the action of opening the door is
passenger-initiated, and nearly all Paris Metro platforms are straight.
The risk is minimal, no more dangerous than getting on or off a moving
escalator or stepping off a kerb.
A few years back I ran to catch a train at City Thameslink. The floor was
wet, I slipped over and before I knew it one of my legs had gone down between
the train and platform. Luckily the train wasn't moving but I guess it just
made me more aware of how quickly accidents can happen on the railway.