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Old February 28th 11, 11:49 AM posted to,uk.railway
Mizter T Mizter T is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: May 2005
Posts: 6,077
Default East London Line extension to Highbury & Islington open today

The extension of the ELL 'round the corner' from Dalston Junction to
Highbury & Islington (via Canonbury) has opened for public service today -

The LDB for H&I is now showing trains to West Croydon and Crystal Palace:

I wanted to say something pithy about this further establishing the line as
part of the urban fabric of London or some such, but failed to come up with
a sentence that didn't sound trite - so I'll just say this is a good thing,
and will help the line become more relevant and more useful to more people.