On 4 Mar 2011 15:07:24 GMT
Huge wrote:
On 2011-03-04, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 11:43:17 on Fri, 4 Mar
2011, d remarked:
Any trains that have seat reservations will be announced a lot sooner than
a few minutes before departure.
Unless it's whatever GNER is called this week, at Kings Cross, in which
case you'll still routinely get under 10 minutes notice.
It's not specific to GNER or KX. Bumheads statement is simply cock.
"Bumhead". Wow , did you think that up all by yourself or did you have help?
Just out of interest , when was the last time you were at Kings X? I was
there 2 weeks ago so unless its been enlarged since then 1 minute is
more than enough for someone who's not physically handicapped to walk from
one side to the other.