On Mar 6, 8:44*am, NM wrote:
1 minute is
more than enough for someone who's not physically handicapped to walk from
one side [of KX main shed] to the other.
No it isn't, in crowded conditions I would allow much longer. also
consider many travel with bags having a platform allocated is a great
help in these circumstances.
Opinion is divided on the matter: people who've actually done it and
don't have mad axes to grind against public transport say that it is;
people who're making **** up say that it isn't.
Thalys is good, even tell you where to stand on the platform, FGW will
not tell you at Paddington which platform the Penzance train leaves
from until 10 minutes before departure even when you can see it parked
Which is a problem why? If they told you 2 minutes before departure,
that might be a problem - but 10 minutes is easily long enough to get
from the Mad Bishop & Bear to the frontmost coach of any IC platform
at Paddington, never mind from the concourse...
John Band
john at johnband dot org