Do any southbound DLR trains terminate at Mudchute these days?
On Feb 6, 10:47*am, Paul Terry wrote:
In message
,Mudchut writes
I do wish they'd try turning round the Stratford-Crossharbour trains
there though.
I'm not sure there are any Stratford services which terminate at
Crossharbour any more. They either terminate at Canary Wharf or (in the
morning peak) run through to Lewisham.
But if there are any, the siding just south of Crossharbour is better
for reversal as it's nearer and it lies between the south- and
northbound tracks, whereas platform 3 atMudchuteinvolves crossing the
northbound track.
Paul Terry
There was a train parked in the bay about 8am on March 22. All doors
open, just one person on it (the conductor?).