Japanese 'pushers' to be employed at Kensington Olympia ...
On Mar 30, 1:10*pm, Neil Williams wrote:
On Mar 30, 1:45*pm, CJB wrote:
As witnessed everyday - but thank fully not experienced - at
Kensington Olympia (and numerous other stations on TfL's new
Overground routes) - at rush-hour - these trains largely devoid of
seating - are so grossly over-crowded as to be well beyond safe
Nonsense. *A crowded train is uncomfortable, but is not unsafe.
It is not a matter of if but when there is a train crash / smash with
massive loss of life on these brand new cattle trains.
Only in the A380 sense, i.e. the presence of more people in the train
will necessarily mean more deaths/injuries. *A crowded train might
actually be safer - no space to be thrown around and injured from
A more realistic danger would be a power failure, resulting in a crush-
loaded train being stuck in a tunnel without ventilation and unable to
be evacuated, as LU tunnels are too narrow for side doors to be used,
the pax would then be all asphyxiated. The only safe way to clean up
the resulting mess would be to thoroughly cremate the rapidly
decomposing corpses in situ, and then clear the wreckage with
explosives, but I don't think our politicians would have the bottle to
give the required orders to the military.