On 5 Apr, 14:48, wrote:
On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 14:42:54 +0100
"Peter Masson" wrote:
Meanwhile the northbound M11 was closed for 15 hours after an accident.
I don't know how long it took to release vehicles trapped behind the
accident. No doubt many passengers missed planes at Stansted.
Apart from the inconvenience, lost business, pollution and a host of
other problems it causes, thats a number of police tied up for 15 hours, and
for what? So they can apportion blame, thats what. They're so desperate
to nick somebody they engage in this farcical behaviour. Its time the
home office stepped in and gave the chief constables a good slapping.
Actually, it was people complaining about the unfair difference
between the way in which the police and H&S reacted after railway
crashes (a long and painstaking investigation) and after road crashes
(a quick sweep up of the wreckage and reopen the road) that has led to
road crashes being investigated much more thoroughly. It is not
unknown for one person to kill another under the guise of an RTC -
just such a case is going on in Glasgow at this moment.