On Apr 5, 2:48*pm, wrote:
On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 14:42:54 +0100
"Peter Masson" wrote:
Meanwhile the northbound M11 was closed for 15 hours after an accident.
I don't know how long it took to release vehicles trapped behind the
accident. No doubt many passengers missed planes at Stansted.
Apart from the inconvenience, lost business, pollution and a host of
other problems it causes, thats a number of police tied up for 15 hours, and
for what? So they can apportion blame, thats what. They're so desperate
to nick somebody they engage in this farcical behaviour. Its time the
home office stepped in and gave the chief constables a good slapping.
Yeah right, I take it you are an expert in removing heavy vehicles,
repairing damaged road surfaces, clearing hazardous residue and
freeing casualties? No? Thought not. When someone is killed or
seriously injured in such an incident it is treated as a crime scene
because that is exactly what it is. Killing a person with a vehicle is
just the same as killing someone with a knife or a gun. The difference
is the crime scene is usually larger and can stretch back along the
route. As for the Spanish practice mentioned earlier, there was a
fatal accident on the A30 near Murcia last week. All traffic stopped
one way for 9 hours while the Police did the forensics and the
vehicles were then cleared. No different. People died, and a criminal
investigation is the result. I assume if it was you or a relative of
yours you would prefer the scene to be pushed to one side to avoid
delaying the traffic?
As I understand it last night there were various emergency personnel
shuttling across the tracks to try and save the life of the person
struck by the train.