hayley.moorey wrote
Dear all,
My name is Hayley and I am researching for a programme for Radio 4-
and Yours- about the availability from January 2011 of being able to
register your National Railcard on your Oyster card to get a reduced
rate for your single off-peak travel no matter how you travel
Rail, Underground, DLR etc).
I am looking to get a few comments from anyone who has used this new
National Rail scheme? Anyone who wants to share their good or bad
experiences using this new scheme would be very much appreciated.
Also, what are your thoughts on the way this new scheme was
Do you think it was publicised enough? Do people know enough about
Some people I have spoken to did not realise at first that they had
carry their railcard around with them once they had it linked to the
oyster? Has this happened to you? Has putting both National Rail
and Oysters together made travelling too complicated? Maybe national
rail should offer one card once you have linked your railcard to your
Have any of you had trouble actually getting your railcard linked to
your oyster? Maybe you live very far away from your station? Or your
station does not offer that service? Or the staff at your station do
know about the scheme?
Any thoughts on any of these questions would be great!
If you would like to reply you could also email me at:
The ability to add the Railcard and thus the railcard capping discount
to your Oyster has been around since 2008 and I got my sister to try it
early that year. She got it done at King's Cross with no problem. Since
she needs to carry the Railcard anyway for her trips to London there
was no additional complication though now she has a English bus pass
she doesn't use her Oyster much in London.
For myself I would have to make a special trip to Richmond or
Mike D