Andrew P Smith wrote in message ...
Have you been to the Dome cinema in Worthing?
I've never been there; I know that it was closed for a while some
years ago, due to roof problems, I think. I don't know what equipment
is installed there now. It wasn't mentioned in a decent discussion on
the Film-tech forums on carbon arcs on the U.K., so I assumed it had
now converted to xenon, do you know?
Until a couple of years ago, the Plaxa, Oxted was still running
Peerless Magnarcs, on Simplex machines If I remember correctly, and
the New Royal at Faversham had Kalee Presidents on pre-war BTH
machines. Both of these have now re-equipped, and were the last that
I was aware of in the South of England.
The Astra, Duxford (part of the Imperial War Museum) had carbon arcs,
and the Projected Picture Trust gave occasional shows there, but I
believe that it is now no longer open to public visitors to the
At least one of the preview theatres at Pinewood Studios was still on
carbons a few years ago, but there was talk of it converting.
I was told that the Tyneside Cinema still had two screens on carbons a
few months ago, and there was another somewhere, Scarborough?, that
was still carbon, but who's future was uncertain. That's about it for
this country, as far as I know.
I have Bell and Howell 609 16mm carbon arc, weighs a ton!
The State, Grays closed, but the foyer was used as a club for some
years, and the auditorium was still used from time to time for organ
concerts, until the club closed. At that time the box was still fully
equipped, one of the three projectors, both the follow spots, a '50s
Philips and a '30s Stelmar, and the Brenograph were still carbon. I
don't know what has happened to the place since closure.
In the USA, the Byrd Theatre in Richmond VA was carbon, including a
Brenograph, until a year or two ago, but has now converted. This was
the last working Brenograph still burning carbons that I know of.
There is a xenon converted one at the Enigma Cinema, Bletchley Park
The Loews Jersey Theatre in Jersey City NY has a pair of Kinoton
FP-20s with Ashcraft Super Core-lite arcs, burning at about 160A.
This place is under restoration, and has shown film about once a month
between bout October and May for the last two years. This year there
seem to be few events there. I've been over a couple of times, it's
worth seeing. The have a web-site at They also
have two Brenographs, not working, but at least one of them could be